About Us
Who We Are
Get to know all about Baughman Farms - what we do, our mission and our history. We are a diversified family farm that appreciates the traditions of small farming with education to those that want to be self sufficient and know what they are feeding their family. We specialize in American Dexter Heritage Cattle, Chicken Egg Producer, and AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgis.
Dexter's are a tri purpose heritage breed that is great for production in a grazing environment that can be used for milking, beef, or oxen. We offer stock for show, table, or breeding.
Our free-range chickens are used for many purposes from meat, eggs, to natural fertilizer. They are grazed and fed Non-GMO feed for the highest quality brown eggs to feed your family.
We feel incredibly lucky that we get to do what we love. You are welcome to visit and experience the joy a farm can bring along with a hard work ethic it takes to maintain diversified stock. For more information, get in touch!